Better Health: Five Healthy Ways to Live more than Fifty Years

Better Healthy Living you need to know.

It used to be that a fool at 40 is a fool forever but now it is a fool at 34, 24, or even 14. So what happened, who changed what? I don’t know also but all I know is if you really desire to live long and have a healthy living, you need to pay attention to me right now. There are just some things we eat and do that will not give us peace in our bodies when we are older. 

Why not just stop it now - or learn about these tiny killers of the body and kill them now. It won’t mean you won’t still have a fun life, it only means that you will live longer than your peers all things being equal. What you eat and do with your life can kill you way before 50. 

Leave Sugar Alone

A reduced-sugar diet has many benefits including weight loss, reduction in risk for diabetes, and a decreased risk of heart disease.  A new study actually found that switching out just one sugary soda per day for water, or unsweetened coffee or tea – could lower the risk for type 2 diabetes, the most common form of diabetes, by 25 percent.  When the study started all participants were diabetes-free, but almost 1,000 were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes by study end.  Overall, the study found that the more sugary soda people consumed, the higher their risk of developing diabetes. There was an increased risk of diabetes by about 22% for every extra daily serving.

Don’t Smoke

If you smoke, stop; if you don’t smoke, don’t start.

Be vigilant of the symptoms of diabetes and speak with your medical provider about testing for pre-diabetes.  The ADA recommends testing those over age 45 as well as people who are overweight and have one or more risk factors including high blood pressure, a family history of diabetes or a sedentary lifestyle.  Remember, diabetes can be prevented with some lifestyle changes.

Drink Your Coffee Black

According to a new study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, drinking coffee may lower inflammation and reduce the risk of developing diabetes. The study found that people who drank coffee were about 50 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared to people who did not drink coffee. The scientists believe that the reason for a reduction in the risk for type 2 diabetes could be the effect coffee has on reducing the amount of inflammation in the body.

Among the coffee drinkers who were considered habitual coffee drinkers, 54 percent of them were less likely to develop diabetes compared to those who didn’t drink coffee. This was true even after researchers took into account lifestyle habits or medical history such as a family history of diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure, or drinking other caffeinated beverages.

If you have acid reflux, talk with your doctor. To stay hydrated, in between drinking your 3-4 cups of black coffee per day, drink 1 glass of water. That’s what I do every day.

Prevent heart disease

Experts say most cases of premature death from heart disease are completely preventable. Smoking, being overweight, having high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol, heavy drinking and physical inactivity are all key risk factors.

Exercise reduces your risk of heart attack by 30%. Try to do more exercise, especially aerobic exercise like walking, swimming, and cycling. Find out how you can benefit from being more physically active, and try this 12-week exercise plan for beginners combining running and strength and flexibility workouts.

Carrying extra weight puts a strain on your heart.

Reduce your risk of stroke

High blood pressure is the main cause of stroke. Watch out for the symptoms of stroke, a good way to reduce high blood pressure is to reduce your salt intake. 

Reduce your risk of lung disease

The respiratory disease covers a variety of conditions ranging from asthma to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) one of the most common causes of death.

COPD is almost completely avoidable. Most cases (around 85%) are caused by smoking. The other 15% of cases are triggered by exposure to fumes, chemicals, and dust at work or, very occasionally, because of a rare genetic tendency to develop COPD called alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency.

Find out the best way to stop smoking, download this free NHS Smokefree app from iTunes or Google Play for daily tips and support - or you read how to stop smoking. 

Reduce your risk of liver disease

Liver disease is on the increase recently and the three main causes of liver disease are heavy drinking, obesity and viral hepatitis (inflammation of the liver).

More than a third of men and over a quarter of women regularly exceed the recommended level of alcohol intake. Have a hepatitis B vaccination if you're at risk of infection.

It is that easy to elongate your life don't you think? There are other ways too, please you can comment in the comment box below to make your contribution. 

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